
Deciding Between Shopify and BigCommerce: Understanding the Key Differences in Development

Starting an online business is exciting, but it can be overwhelming to choose the right ecommerce platform that fits your needs. The two popular options are Shopify and BigCommerce. While they both offer a range of features to help entrepreneurs sell their products online, there are significant differences between the two in terms of development. In this article, we’ll dive into the key differences between Shopify and BigCommerce development and help you determine which one is the best fit for your business.

Flexibility and Control

Shopify and BigCommerce are both great platforms for small to mid-size businesses, but they have differing levels of flexibility and control. Shopify is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use, making it a great option for those without much technical experience. However, it can be limiting in terms of customization. On the other hand, BigCommerce offers more flexibility and control over the design and functionality of your ecommerce site. This makes it a better option for businesses with specific needs, complex product offerings, and want to do fine-grained custom development.


Another key factor to consider when choosing between Shopify and BigCommerce is scalability. Shopify’s pricing plans are tiered based on features, and the more expensive subscription allows for more bandwidth and features. While this makes it great for small businesses that want to start out small, it may become costly as your business grows and requires more features.

BigCommerce offers more scalability and greater flexibility for growth in terms of hosting, API, templates, and plugins. It allows for customization and advanced features in its platform, suitable for businesses beyond the small to mid-size level.

Third-Party Integration

Third-party apps and plugins provide ecommerce businesses with additional functionality. Shopify boasts a massive app store with thousands of apps that can add new features and capabilities to your online business. However, note that some popular apps can cost a pretty penny.

BigCommerce also provides its  users with many customization options, but they have fewer third-party applications available compared to Shopify. However, BigCommerce is able to provide a large number of plugins for free, with more advanced plugins for smarter pricing.

Security and Compliance

Both Shopify and BigCommerce offer a secure environment and are for PCI DSS compliance. However, from a regulatory requirement, Shopify is not 100% compliant with HIPAA security rules that healthcare businesses require. That means if you want to run a rule-compliant ecommerce store that includes patient health information, BigCommerce is the only option for you.

Having the option of a secure ecommerce platform that meets regulatory requirements is important for the business’s long-term success.


So, when deciding between Shopify and BigCommerce development, it’s important to consider your ecommerce store’s unique needs and future growth plan. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform that doesn’t require much technical knowledge, Shopify might be the best fit. However, if you want full control over your ecommerce site’s design and functionality, BigCommerce may be the better choice. Consider the scalability and customization options of both platforms before making your decision. Compliance requirements should also be factored in if it applies to your business. Ultimately, whichever platform you choose, both Shopify and BigCommerce have their set of strengths and features that can help you start and scale your online business.

Author Bio:

Rick John is an experienced specialist in Bigcommerce Development services and Shopify App Development services, with expertise ranging from eCommerce solutions to consumer-centric online stores. He is a professional who possesses a deep understanding of the software development process, enabling him to effectively navigate the complexities of modern web technologies. His commitment to delivering innovative, high-quality solutions has led him to success in the areas of online commerce and business applications. With his creative versatility and expertise in both areas, Rick John has become an invaluable asset to companies seeking comprehensive digital solutions.

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